Enabling CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS=y disables services defined with BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE


when I configure CONFIG_BT_SETTINGS=y as I want the device to remember the pairing parameters, the services defined with BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE dissapear.

As far as I know this wasn't happening in Zephyr version 2.0.0. and came up in Zephyr 2.3.0

I call bt_enable(NULL); as well as settings_load(); afterwards.

Any ideas why this is hapening?

  • Hi,

    I can't think of any obvious reasons for why the services would dissapear after enabling the settings module.

    the services defined with BT_GATT_SERVICE_DEFINE dissapear.

    I assume this means the services are no longer being discovered by the client? Have you tried enabling logging on the device to see if there are any runtime errors or warnings reported?

    Best regards,

