Modem Reset Loop With Asset Tracker


I'm running into a problem where every time I run the asset tracker the modem reset loop is triggered and I have to wait 30 mins before I escape. I've read the modem reset documentation but I don't know how I'm supposed to avoid this problem. The terminal output doesn't indicate that the modem is resetting 7 times (unless it's happening to fast). I've been working with the asset tracker for a few weeks now, I've encounter this problem before but it usually goes away, but now it's persisting. 

Also I was previously able to circumvent the 30 min timer by using the nRF Desktop Programmer tool to erase everything, then do the AT Command quick start to get the modem running again but this also no longer works.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    mmelv said:
    I need to use the 1.0.0 in order to change the gpio output voltage.

    Can you elaborate on this?

    Does reset loop occur on nrf9161-dk v1.0.0 in the same way as with asset tracker v2 when you use Serial LTE Modem or Modem Shell instead (in the Quick Start guide from nRF Connect for Desktop)?

    mmelv said:

    1) Waited until I escaped reset loop

    2) Erase all with programmer (auto reset disabled)

    3) AT Command quickstart

    4) Erase and flash application (also tried just flash)

    In the Quick Start guide one of the steps was to program your chosen application to the board. Which application did you program in one of the steps in the Quick Start Guide and which in the mentioned step 4 from VS Code? 

    Best regards,

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