Missing samples/wifi/throughput C code

In the Wi-Fi throughput sample code folder the main.c file has virtually nothing in it, just a few boilerplate lines and a main() with only two lines of code that set the clock and print the "Starting..." message.  The whole application is missing!  (I am using NCS 2.6.1)

In Github (https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf/tree/main/samples/wifi/throughput and github.com/.../main.c) it looks like there was a single commit to add the src folder and main.c several months ago.  There are several .conf files and some documentation, but no real C source code!

If there is no app available, you might want to remove this from your documentation.  It is documented here, for example:  https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/samples/wifi/throughput/README.html

I desperately need to get some throughput demo code running.  Is there somewhere else that I can find this?
