Device Do not Wakeup from sleep on gpio interrupt

I use the nRF52840 development kit.

In this Board i flashed the ncs zephyr sdk v2.6.0 sample code for system off and device going to sleep.

i Want to wakeup the board from sleep with GPIO low edge interrupt so i configure the interrupt as a GPIO_INT_EDGE_TO_INACTIVE mode. but problem was that it was not wakeup with this interrupt mode.

I attached my sample code with my changes please give me solution as soon as possible.


  • Hello,

    Wake-up pins need to be configured with the Pin sensing mechanism enabled in the GPIO configuration register, and this sense mechanism does not get enabled when using the edge triggering flags. Instead you need to use GPIO_INT_LEVEL_INACTIVE or GPIO_INT_LEVEL_ACTIVE.

    Note that the GPIOTE peripheral is not enabled in System OFF mode.

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    Wake-up pins need to be configured with the Pin sensing mechanism enabled in the GPIO configuration register, and this sense mechanism does not get enabled when using the edge triggering flags. Instead you need to use GPIO_INT_LEVEL_INACTIVE or GPIO_INT_LEVEL_ACTIVE.

    Note that the GPIOTE peripheral is not enabled in System OFF mode.

    Best regards,

