Bluetooth HOST Stack on nRF5340

Can we run our Customised Bluetooth Host Stack on nRF5340.

Please provide us with sample Brinup Code for Bluetooth Controller.. Send HCI Reset and Bringing up the Controller Chip.

  • Hello,

    Can we run our Customised Bluetooth Host Stack on nRF5340.

    Yes that is possible.

    Please provide us with sample Brinup Code for Bluetooth Controller.. Send HCI Reset and Bringing up the Controller Chip

    I'm uncertain about this query as I didn't fully grasp your requirements. You can explore the Zephyr controller(open source), which provides a foundational framework to begin with. From there, you can expand based on your specific application needs and the capabilities of your Bluetooth hardware and SDK.

    Best regards,


  • Let me be more clear on this..

    We have our Bluetooth host running on Windows PC and would like to communicate with nRF5340. Because we need latest v5.3/v5.4 Bluetooth Controller. 

    Is it possible that we communicate from Windows PC to nRF5340 Board bypassing the SoC.

    Or is there any alternative chipsets/dev kits/dongle supporting our cause.

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