It's possible with some vendors to have an "out" mode and use the devkit as a debugger for custom PCB designs. Is it possible with the EK?
It's possible with some vendors to have an "out" mode and use the devkit as a debugger for custom PCB designs. Is it possible with the EK?
They are vendor locked with the original firmware on the debug chip. If you hack the board it can debug other boards with other firmware. See this attached link on how to hack the board. Again, haven't gotten around to testing but with other debug firmwares, including the CMSIS-DAP one you should be able to debug a custom board.
The quick and easy option is to order the DK ($100) without any of the nRFgo stuff($400). You don't "really" need it. The nRFgo board is little more than a power supply. I've shoved wires in the ports at the bottom to power the DK boards to use them. The OEM programmer has proved sufficient to program my own board.
I still plan on trying out the Freedom board though.
I went for the DK, didn't know it was 100bucks, I had a more expensive option in mind, thats probably the 400USD nRFgo stuff. The DK price and the package is a great deal.
I went for the DK, didn't know it was 100bucks, I had a more expensive option in mind, thats probably the 400USD nRFgo stuff. The DK price and the package is a great deal.