Public address instead of random BLE central


I've previously developped a BLE peripheral product with a nRF52840 chip. I've been able to do everything I wanted for my peripheral and while I was making it I understood random and public addresses. My peripheral was firstly discovering with it random address and with security level increasing (I am using just work bonding) it shared its public address and get the public address of the central.

Now I am doing an USB dongle for my device so I am developping a BLE central product. My issue is, even with the bonding operation my devices are still sharing only random addresses. I would like to know how do I initiate the switch to public address ? I think it is coming from my BLE central device  ?

Please have a look to my log, we can cleary see that bonding operation is working well with security level increasing : 



As you can see I am using Accept list to do directed advertising in my Peripheral device firmware, that's why I need to know the public address of my central.

Best Regards


  • I looked deeper into how random/public addresses work. And I understood that public addresses need to be register with the IEEE registration authority. 

    So, instead, I will use static mac address which is free and pre-programmed in your chips. 

    My question now is, in my Peripheral firmware, how do I know if the random address I get is private or static ? So I can do directed advertising on either public or static random address, regarding which one my central is using.

    Best regards


  • I looked deeper into how random/public addresses work. And I understood that public addresses need to be register with the IEEE registration authority. 

    So, instead, I will use static mac address which is free and pre-programmed in your chips. 

    My question now is, in my Peripheral firmware, how do I know if the random address I get is private or static ? So I can do directed advertising on either public or static random address, regarding which one my central is using.

    Best regards

