Modem 30 minute lockup

This is driving me totally nuts. There are inconsistent pieces of information in documents and code. I am getting a modem reset loop problem. The documentation says the timer does not run when the modem has no power. That tells me I have to leave power on in order to get out of this ridiculous mess that cuts me off from any and all LTE-M and NB-IoT networks. The message from some asset tracker code tells me I can get out by doing a power reset, but that does not work.

How in blazes do I get out of this fricking mess????? This is at least one day down the drain.

How about 5 minutes rather than 30 minutes. How about something that simply restores the modem?

Did I put a bug into the code? I can't imagine how, although I do put in printfs.


Burt S.

  • I eventually was able to get out of the mess. It began when I tried adding this to asset_tracker_v2 prj.conf


    in an attempt to do the equivalent of


    as indicated by the clowns at Not only did I lock up the modem but I wasn't configuring any "iot-nb" because I don't know how to set auto_startup to 1 in lwm2m_settings.c. It involves a modem key but I have no idea how to create a simple modem key appropriate for the purpose. It seems like this is another complicated topic involving security knowledge. Please help.

    I also tried setting


    and although that did not break anything, it did not solve the problem whereby Twilio SIMs will not connect to T-Mobile. Can you tell me why they cannot just keep things simple like Soracom and the rest of the world?

    I guess you have people who know all the tricks and I hope you can help me get back on my feet again. Thanks. Oh, yeah,


  • I guess I misread that Twilio web page. I thought they were telling me that I needed to configure the APN somewhere in order to connect/register to the network; like I had to copy the APN that the SIM uses to somewhere else in order to establish an NB-IoT connection. Anyway, I have a ticket open with KORE Wireless/Twilio and they opened a secondary ticket with T-Mobile. I don't think those KORE Wireless folks have any clue about the company Twilio that they purchased; not on a technology level, at least.

  • Now I am not sure of anything. It seems that I now have killed a perfectly good Soracom SIM card by inserting a line of code into lte_lc_func_mode_set() [just a convenient place]

    err = nrf_modem_at_printf("AT+CGDCONT=%u,%s,%s", 0, "IP", "");
    if (err) printf("setting CGDCONT returns %d in %s\n", err, __func__);

    The SIM will no longer connect. If I use a good SIM I connect and the command



    DCONT: 0,"IP","","",0,0

    after connecting. The bad SIM (that was a good SIM before experimenting with AT+CDGCONT) returns

    +CGDCONT: 0,"IP","","",0,0

    How did this mess occur and how do I fix it?



  • Okay, I figured out how to fix the Soracom SIM problem: AT%XFACTORYRESET=1 after AT+CFUN=0. That got rid of whatever hidden garbage I had inadvertently added.

    And that helped me further confirm that the Twilio and T-Mobile present Narrowband SIM is a mess.

    I changed the CGDCONT code above to

    err = nrf_modem_at_printf("AT+CGDCONT=%u,%s,%s", 1, "IP", "iot.nb");
    err = nrf_modem_at_printf("AT+CGDCONT=%u,%s,%s", 2, "IP", "");
    err = nrf_modem_at_printf("AT+CGDCONT=%u,%s,%s", 3, "IP", "super");

    which seems to not hurt anything but it does not solve that Twilio/T-Mobile/NB problem.


  • Okay, I figured out how to fix the Soracom SIM problem: AT%XFACTORYRESET=1 after AT+CFUN=0. That got rid of whatever hidden garbage I had inadvertently added.

    And that helped me further confirm that the Twilio and T-Mobile present Narrowband SIM is a mess.

    I changed the CGDCONT code above to

    err = nrf_modem_at_printf("AT+CGDCONT=%u,%s,%s", 1, "IP", "iot.nb");
    err = nrf_modem_at_printf("AT+CGDCONT=%u,%s,%s", 2, "IP", "");
    err = nrf_modem_at_printf("AT+CGDCONT=%u,%s,%s", 3, "IP", "super");

    which seems to not hurt anything but it does not solve that Twilio/T-Mobile/NB problem.

