npm1300 one button sample


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      "version": "v2.6.0",
      "path": "c:\\ncs\\v2.6.0"
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  "apps": [
      "workspace": "c:\\nrf\\npm1300_one_button_1",
      "uri": "c:\\nrf\\npm1300_one_button_1",
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            "pristineBuild": [],
            "flash": [],
            "eraseAndFlash": []
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      "version": "2.6.0",
      "path": "c:\\ncs\\toolchains\\cf2149caf2"
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    "nrfutil": "Not found",
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      "HOMEPATH": "\\Users\\mej",
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    "toolchainVersion": "2.6.1"
  "terminal": {
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      "ozonePath": "",
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      "deviceProvider": "",
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I can't seem to get the one button sample to do anything... I get a steady ~1sec flash from HOST led on the npm1300, but I get nothing from pushing SHPHLD for any duration of time.

   ============  ============  =========================================================
   Duration      Log output    Outcome
   ============  ============  =========================================================
   < 1 sec       Short press   Sample flashes **LED** at 5 Hz, LDSW 1 enabled
   1 - 5 sec     Medium press  Sample flashes **LED** at 1 Hz, LDSW 1 disabled
   5 - 10 sec    Long press    nPM1300 enters ship mode provided **J3** is not connected
   > 10 sec      None          nPM1300 long press reset activates
   ============  ============  =========================================================

I am unclear as to what the USB connections should be. I've tried
  1. npm1300 J3 both connected and not connected.
  2. npm1300 J4 not connected
  3. nrf52840dk J2 connected and not connected

nothing seems to change the npm1300/nrf52840dk behavior, also it's unclear which **LED** the sample is referring to.

I get this from the nrf52840 Serial output:
*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
PMIC device ok
Not sure what I am missing here. No matter how long I push SHPHLD - Host continues to flash at a steady rate and no other LEDs activate...

I've included photos of my connections. I have an unrelated SPI Display connected, but unused.
The one button sample code is completely unmodified from the VSCode samples and all the jumpers on npm1300ek are as they came out of the box.
My Connections:

* - SDA nPM1300ek - P0.26 nrf52840dk
* - SCL nPM1300ek - P0.27 nrf52840dk

* - GPIO3 nPM1300ek - P0.22 nrf52840dk

* - VDDIO nPM1300ek - VDD nrf52840dk
* - GND nPM1300ek - GND nrf52840dk

  • Hi.

    The flashing Host LED shows that the communications between the host and the PMIC is working correctly.

    Do you see a transition on GPIO3 with a scope?
    I would expect to see a transition on this output when you press SHPHLD for the first time.
    On a working system this output should remain high for about 1ms, before it is cleared by the host.

    One problem I see in your setup is the use of VDDIO.
    It should be connected to either the host, or a buck, not both.
    Can you try removing the jumper on VDDIO REF?

    Best regards

  • I removed the jumper from VDDIO and VOUT2. Thanks!

    This logic was not what I was expecting... The diagram shows what happens when

    1. sw1 and sw2 are pushed
    2. outputs on SHPHLD and GPIO3
    3. the existing connections to the nrf52840dk

    Does this look ok to you?

  • Hi.

    SW1 look good, but I am confused about SW2.
    The samples uses GPIO3 as the interrupt output, but it does not have an associated button, it is only on the pin header.
    If SW2 is connected to P0.22, that is GPIO0, not GPIO3

    I get the following with this sample:

    Best regards

  • I am never getting a flashing LED from the nrf52840dk in the npm1300_one_button sample. I made minor modifications to the code. The two "device is ready" and while loop (and my modifications) appear working, but the led never flashes and I never get any call_back event serial output.

    The full code (and build) I used is attached.

    int main(void)
    	if (!device_is_ready(leds)) {
    		printk("Error: led device is not ready\n");
    		return 0;
    		printk("led device is ready\n");
    	if (!configure_events()) {
    		printk("Error: could not configure events\n");
    		return 0;
    		printk("events configured\n");
    	printk("PMIC device ok\n");
    	int ret;
    	while (1) {
    		// when enabled, these work 
    		// printk(".");
    		// my_toggle_led_pin(0);
    		// my_toggle_led_pin(1);
    		// my_toggle_led_pin(2);
    		// my_toggle_led_pin(3);
    		//this does not work, no leds flash
    		ret = led_on(leds, 2U);
    		printk("led on ret: %d\n", ret);
    		ret = led_off(leds, 2U);
    		printk("led off ret: %d\n", ret);

    my connections 


    • GND-GND
    • SHPHLD-P1.15
    • GPIO3-P0.22
    • SCL-P0.27
    • SCK-P0.26
    • GPIO0-P1.10
    • GPIO1-P1.11
    • GPIO2-P1.12
    • GPIO4-P1.14
    • nrf52840dk_usb connected
    • npm1300ek_usb not connected

    I get the following output when monitoring:

    • SHPHLD(npm1300ek)/P0.15(nrf52840dk)
    • GPIO3(npm1300ek)/P0.22(nrf52840dk)

    I reconnected the  VDDIO and VOUT2 jumper

    remove jumper:

    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
    Error: led device is not ready

    return jumper:

    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
    PMIC device ok

    npm1300_one_button_1 (3).zip

  • I am never getting a flashing LED from the nrf52840dk in the npm1300_one_button sample. I made minor modifications to the code. The two "device is ready" and while loop (and my modifications) appear working, but the led never flashes and I never get any call_back event serial output.

    The full code (and build) I used is attached.

    int main(void)
    	if (!device_is_ready(leds)) {
    		printk("Error: led device is not ready\n");
    		return 0;
    		printk("led device is ready\n");
    	if (!configure_events()) {
    		printk("Error: could not configure events\n");
    		return 0;
    		printk("events configured\n");
    	printk("PMIC device ok\n");
    	int ret;
    	while (1) {
    		// when enabled, these work 
    		// printk(".");
    		// my_toggle_led_pin(0);
    		// my_toggle_led_pin(1);
    		// my_toggle_led_pin(2);
    		// my_toggle_led_pin(3);
    		//this does not work, no leds flash
    		ret = led_on(leds, 2U);
    		printk("led on ret: %d\n", ret);
    		ret = led_off(leds, 2U);
    		printk("led off ret: %d\n", ret);

    my connections 


    • GND-GND
    • SHPHLD-P1.15
    • GPIO3-P0.22
    • SCL-P0.27
    • SCK-P0.26
    • GPIO0-P1.10
    • GPIO1-P1.11
    • GPIO2-P1.12
    • GPIO4-P1.14
    • nrf52840dk_usb connected
    • npm1300ek_usb not connected

    I get the following output when monitoring:

    • SHPHLD(npm1300ek)/P0.15(nrf52840dk)
    • GPIO3(npm1300ek)/P0.22(nrf52840dk)

    I reconnected the  VDDIO and VOUT2 jumper

    remove jumper:

    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
    Error: led device is not ready

    return jumper:

    *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
    PMIC device ok

    npm1300_one_button_1 (3).zip

  • Hi.

    Note that the led_on led_off calls refer to the nPM1300 HOST LED, not the LEDs on the EK.
    They aren't expected to flash in this sample.

    Are you connecting to the Battery and/or USB PMIC on the EK?

    Can you try removing some of the connections between the EK and the DK?
    Please try connecting just VDDIO, GND, SCL and SCK in the first instance, and monitor GPIO3.
    If that works as expected (starts low, then goes high when SHPHLD is pressed), try connecting GPIO3 to P0.22.

