MPU6050 bare metal program

I am looking to program the nRF52840 development board to get data from the mpu6050 sensor. I want to use bare metal code for the same. Is there any available code or sources to establish i2c communication with nRF52840 using bare metal code? 

  • The nRF5 SDK includes a driver for the MPU6050 gyro/accelerometer. The driver provides functions for initializing the MPU6050, reading and writing to its registers, and verifying its product ID. Here are the main functions provided by the driver:
    • mpu6050_init(uint8_t device_address): This function initializes the MPU6050 and verifies it's on the bus.
    • mpu6050_register_write(uint8_t register_address, const uint8_t value): This function writes a value to a specific MPU6050 register over TWI.
    • mpu6050_register_read(uint8_t register_address, uint8_t *destination, uint8_t number_of_bytes): This function reads one or more consecutive registers of the MPU6050 over TWI.
    • mpu6050_verify_product_id(void): This function reads and verifies the MPU6050 product ID.