nRF9161DK: measuring power consumption

I am having trouble understanding how to measure the power consumption of the nRF9161DK as recommended by the documentation:

Specifically with reference to this sentence:

The use of a USB connector is not recommended for powering the DK during current measurements due to potential noise from the USB power supply.
Instead, the DK should be powered externally through the VIN 5V pin on connector P20.

I have connected a PPK2 in "Source Meter" mode to the GND and P20 5V pins, with no USB cable connected, but this appears to leave the interface MCU on?
Unlike the other Nordic Dev kits I have (nRF52840DK, nRF5340DK, nRF7002DK), there does not appear to be any mention of an IF_OFF signal (e.g.
There also does not appear to be any switch on the board that would allow me to disable the interface MCU.
Additionally, there are no hardware files available on the product page for me to investigate any further (

To add a final cherry on the cake, the LED5 is continuously blinking at 10Hz when powered through the P20 5V pin...

I have also attempted to power the board via USB and measure the current in ampere mode across P22, but have been unable to measure anything below 3mA with samples from NCS v2.7.
Is it possible to measure a power consumption on this board that isn't rendered unusable by the interface MCU?

My PPK2 (and general understanding of power) should be fine, as I can measure down in the ~8uA range fine on other Nordic dev kits.
