Interface nRF5340dk with external BLE sensors

I'm developing a system where I want to connect simultaneously to different BLE and ANT+ sensors. I'm using the nRF5340 DK and I would like to be able to select which sensors to connect to once I detect nearby devices, so I can receive only the information that interests me.

  • Hi,

    For this you would to first scan in order to detect nearby BLE devices and then connect based on any criteria, say, device name, advertised services, signal strength or any other parameter of your choice. 



  • Hi,

    I have tried with BLE examples where I receive information from different devices around me.

    I have also tried setting the MAC address of the device I'm interested in, which is a HR sensor, and that worked too.

    Now, what I would like to do is first detect the nearby devices and then, after that, be able to select the device(s) I want to connect to, in order to receive information only from them.

    At the moment, I'm trying to select the sensor I'm interested in by entering the MAC address via keyboard, but I am not getting the correct result.

