Unable to perform IQ sampling normally

SW version :2.4.0
HW revision: nRF52833 development board, PCA20054 Direction Finding Antenna Board 1_0_0
I use the routine director_finding_central  and  director_finding_periopheral for IQ sampling, and can obtain IQ sampling data.
When I put the original
static const uint8_t ant_patterns[] = { 0x2, 0x0, 0x5, 0x6, 0x1, 0x4,
0xC, 0x9, 0xE, 0xD, 0x8, 0xA };
Change to
static const uint8_t ant_patterns[] = { 0xC, 0x9, 0xE, 0xD, 0x8, 0xA,
0x2, 0x0, 0x5, 0x6, 0x1, 0x4 };
The Bluetooth connection will disconnect, making it impossible to perform normal IQ sampling.
May I ask why this situation has occurred?

Below is the serial port output

  • Hi

    Yes, it should be possible to get usable IQ samples from other antenna switching patterns as well, but the default one is the optimal one since it does one corner at a time. 

    I'm afraid the accurate Chinese description doesn't help much since I don't know Chinese, but I think what you need to do here is to make sure you match up the antenna switches to the pattern you're actually setting. You need to make sure the correct switch is used so that the application switches to the right antenna when doing sampling on the central side. I'm guessing the disconnections are caused by a timeout because the device switches to the incorrect antennas and thus not catching the expected data.

    Best regards,


  • Can you confirm with your developers or testers whether different switching patterns will affect the connection of the device? If so, what could be the possible reasons for this.

    We use our own antenna board, and also find that different switching patterns  will affect the connection. An antenna  switching patterns can work normally at a certain position, but the connection may be disconnected at other positions.

    However, when we do not sample IQ data, that is, do not switch the antennas, any antenna can be connected normally. It seems that switching antennas will affect the connection.

    But we have not yet found an antenna  switching patterns that can be normally connected at all positions.

  • Hi

    Yep, I agree there must be something we're missing and have made an inquiry internally to find out what that might be. I'll get back to you when I hear back from the devs. Unfortunately some of the team is currently out of office, so it might take a while. I'll get back to you on Friday at the latest with an update in any case.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    Yep, I agree there must be something we're missing and have made an inquiry internally to find out what that might be. I'll get back to you when I hear back from the devs. Unfortunately some of the team is currently out of office, so it might take a while. I'll get back to you on Friday at the latest with an update in any case.

    Best regards,


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