nRF52840 dk does not advertise

Hello, I am going through the Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals provided by Nordic. 

My nrf 52840 dk could function fine after lesson1, but when I flash my board with the lesson 2 exercise 1 solution, the board does not advertise. Here is the link to the lesson I am referring to. 

I am new to this chip, so I would appreciate it if you would help me out on this. 

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  • Thanks for the reply 

    I do not get any logs from the device. I went back to the RF Connect SDK Fundamentals course and flashed my board with lesson 4 exercise 2 solution code which was the intro to log and I was getting log messages.  I did make sure that I have log enabled in the proj.config file and use the macro LOG_MODULE_REGISTER in my BLE program. 

    I commented out everything in the program except for  LOG_MODULE_REGISTER, and a LOG_INF and still did not get anything printed. Any suggestion?

    The version of the toolchain I use is 2.5.2 

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