nRF52840 dk does not advertise

Hello, I am going through the Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals provided by Nordic. 

My nrf 52840 dk could function fine after lesson1, but when I flash my board with the lesson 2 exercise 1 solution, the board does not advertise. Here is the link to the lesson I am referring to. 

I am new to this chip, so I would appreciate it if you would help me out on this. 

  • Hi

    1. Correct.

    2-4. Please see this image for how you should connect a custom board to your DK to program it:


    5. It should most likely be okay, but we can't 100% guarantee that the flashing procedure will be done correctly if the voltages don't match.

    Best regards,


  • Thank you for your help 

    I just had three quick questions, and I would appreciate it if you could answer them. 

    1.VDD in P20 is to power up the external board?

    2. So far I have been programming the DK and to flash the external board I don’t need to make any software configuration changes in VS code right? 

    3. If no additional software configurations are needed to program the external board, then which device tree would be referenced? I guess the SoC device tree, right? 

  • Thank you for your help 

    I just had three quick questions, and I would appreciate it if you could answer them. 

    1.VDD in P20 is to power up the external board?

    2. So far I have been programming the DK and to flash the external board I don’t need to make any software configuration changes in VS code right? 

    3. If no additional software configurations are needed to program the external board, then which device tree would be referenced? I guess the SoC device tree, right? 

  • 1. Yes, if you cut SB47, but it's also to make sure the voltage level matches on the DK and the custom board.

    2. You need to make a board file to match your custom board, as I assume at least some of the pin configurations are different in your custom board, so you need to change the project board file or add an overlay file. This is thoroughly explained in the DevAcademy course "nRF Connect SDK fundamentals".

    3. See the course above, as it also explains device trees nd how to set up a custom board in NCS.

    Best regards,

