Seeking DFU-OTA Example for nRF5340 with Latest SDK


I'm currently looking for a comprehensive example of DFU-OTA (Device Firmware Update Over-the-Air) using the latest SDK version with the nRF5340 platform. If anyone has successfully implemented DFU-OTA or can provide guidance on where to find reliable resources, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

I am encountering issues with DFU-OTA on the nRF5340 platform after updating to the latest SDK version (specifically using SDK v2.6.1 and toolchain v2.7.0). The main challenges include:

1. Successful Image Transfer: Ensuring that the new firmware image is transferred correctly to the device.
2. Post-DFU Behavior: Understanding the expected behavior after initiating DFU, including device restarts and connection status.

If anyone has a working example or can point me to a detailed guide or tutorial on implementing DFU-OTA with the latest SDK (v2.6.1), it would be immensely helpful. I'm particularly interested in:

a. Detailed steps or code snippets for setting up DFU-OTA.
b. Best practices or common pitfalls to avoid during DFU-OTA implementation.
c. Guidance on troubleshooting and debugging DFU-OTA issues, especially with the nRF5340 platform.

Your insights and experiences with DFU-OTA on Nordic Semiconductor's platforms are invaluable. Any assistance in resolving my current challenges or pointing me in the right direction for resources would be highly appreciated.

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