NIDD test on NRF91x1_2.0.1

when testing NIDD on NRF9151 we are using sock connect -f packet -t raw  but it is giving us error 

mosh:~$ > sock connect -f packet -t raw
sock connect -f packet -t raw
Socket open and connect family=3, type=3, port=0, bind_port=0, pdn_cid=0, address=
assertion "0" failed: file "WEST_TOPDIR/nrf/samples/cellular/modem_shell/src/sock/sock.c", line 574, function: sock_open_and_connect
[00:47:15.110,107] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000004  r1/a2:  0x20029817  r2/a3:  0x00000000
[00:47:15.110,168] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x00026a29 r12/ip:  0x0000000a r14/lr:  0x000237ad
[00:47:15.110,168] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x41000000
[00:47:15.110,198] <err> os: s[ 0]:  0x34000000  s[ 1]:  0x0005a21f  s[ 2]:  0x0000023e  s[ 3]:  0x0009a22f
[00:47:15.110,198] <err> os: s[ 4]:  0x00074556  s[ 5]:  0x00091a79  s[ 6]:  0x00000003  s[ 7]:  0x00013a7d
[00:47:15.110,229] <err> os: s[ 8]:  0x00000000  s[ 9]:  0x00000000  s[10]:  0x00000000  s[11]:  0x200299f8
[00:47:15.110,260] <err> os: s[12]:  0x00000000  s[13]:  0x00000002  s[14]:  0x00000000  s[15]:  0x00000000
[00:47:15.110,260] <err> os: fpscr:  0x00000000
[00:47:15.110,290] <err> os: r4/v1:  0x00074556  r5/v2:  0x00073c5a  r6/v3:  0x00000003
[00:47:15.110,290] <err> os: r7/v4:  0x20015d70  r8/v5:  0x00000000  r9/v6:  0x00000000
[00:47:15.110,351] <err> os: r10/v7: 0x20015d70  r11/v8: 0x00000000    psp:  0x20029908
[00:47:15.110,351] <err> os: EXC_RETURN: 0x0
[00:47:15.110,351] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x000237b8
[00:47:15.110,412] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 4: Kernel panic on CPU 0
[00:47:15.110,443] <err> os: Current thread: 0x20016af8 (shell_uart)
[00:47:15.248,901] <err> os: Halting system

when we use the sock connect -f packet -t raw  on  nrf9160 it works 

  • Hi Mustafa,

    I am not able to test myself since there is no non-ip PDP environment I can access now. I will try to get help from our development team, but it may take time. Just collect more information that may help:

    1. Could you provide a comprehensive log of commands and response when you are doing test? Include the nrf\samples\cellular\modem_shell\overlay-debug.conf when you build the firmware.

    2. You can check the failing instruction with arm-none-eabi-addr2line as explained by Alseth in this post. In case arm-none-eabi-addr2line does not work, you might need to add some PATH to your operating system variables. 

    Best regards,


  • Hi Mustafa,

    I am not able to test myself since there is no non-ip PDP environment I can access now. I will try to get help from our development team, but it may take time. Just collect more information that may help:

    1. Could you provide a comprehensive log of commands and response when you are doing test? Include the nrf\samples\cellular\modem_shell\overlay-debug.conf when you build the firmware.

    2. You can check the failing instruction with arm-none-eabi-addr2line as explained by Alseth in this post. In case arm-none-eabi-addr2line does not work, you might need to add some PATH to your operating system variables. 

    Best regards,


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