Device Identity Key in nrf9160

Dear Nordic Support-Team,

 I am trying to documentation on the Device Identity key in the nrf9160. I found something here: as key type

6 – Device identity public key.

but no further documentation. I am able to use this key to verify a JWT created on my device, but I would like to understand more before actually using it in an application.

According to this, only nrf91x1 devices have a dedicated Identity Key pair.



  • Hello Stefan

    In Nordic SiP manufacturing the SiP trusted FW is requested to create key pair. Private key stays protected in the trusted FW and public key is extracted. The SiP is also programmed with UUID. The public key and UUID pair is stored in nRF cloud. 

    The device can make a token what nRF Cloud identity service can verify.

    Did you have some specific question in mind on keys? 

  • Hello Stefan

    In Nordic SiP manufacturing the SiP trusted FW is requested to create key pair. Private key stays protected in the trusted FW and public key is extracted. The SiP is also programmed with UUID. The public key and UUID pair is stored in nRF cloud. 

    The device can make a token what nRF Cloud identity service can verify.

    Did you have some specific question in mind on keys? 
