Distinguish if HID device is connected to Windows/Macos pc


I am working on a device that is keyboard like, but it just needs to send one cmd to switch the screen - alt+tab/cmd+tab. I was able to get this working with Windows, but now I am struggling with Macos devices. I am using nrf52832 with Nrf Connect SDK 2.6.1.

First I noticed Macos requires some kind of device recognition procedure - can this be bypassed or skipped somehow?

Secondly how do I detect that my device was connected to Macos ?

Lastly how do I encode CMD button ? For Left ALT modifier is 0x04, but what is value for CMD?


  • Hi Michal

    I want to start by finding out what we are able to help you with, so please answer my question and consider if you should reach out to Apple developer support.

    First I noticed Macos requires some kind of device recognition procedure - can this be bypassed or skipped somehow?

    Is this specific to Nordic devices or a general requirement for all Bluetooth devices?

    Secondly how do I detect that my device was connected to Macos ?

    This depends on what the MacOS device makes available to the Bluetooth peripheral device. The device could for example have a Device Information Service (DIS) from which you can read the Vendor ID (VID). If you are not able to find anything about this by researching, I suggest that you reach out to Apple developer support.

    Lastly how do I encode CMD button ? For Left ALT modifier is 0x04, but what is value for CMD?

    This question is also more suited for Apple developer support.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Michal

    I want to start by finding out what we are able to help you with, so please answer my question and consider if you should reach out to Apple developer support.

    First I noticed Macos requires some kind of device recognition procedure - can this be bypassed or skipped somehow?

    Is this specific to Nordic devices or a general requirement for all Bluetooth devices?

    Secondly how do I detect that my device was connected to Macos ?

    This depends on what the MacOS device makes available to the Bluetooth peripheral device. The device could for example have a Device Information Service (DIS) from which you can read the Vendor ID (VID). If you are not able to find anything about this by researching, I suggest that you reach out to Apple developer support.

    Lastly how do I encode CMD button ? For Left ALT modifier is 0x04, but what is value for CMD?

    This question is also more suited for Apple developer support.

    Best regards,


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