Programming QSPI with nrfjprog for nrf5340

I am trying to program a QSPI flash with a file system.  I have confirmed that my qspi ini is correct as i can read write and erase.  I created a small file system on an usb disk and used HxD to read it to a .bin of the file system. I can then either use objcopy or JFlash to create a hex file with my file system placed passed the mcuboot partition.  The issue I have is that when I flash I just get 0's back and the verify fails. below is my testing.

Erase Write Read

nrfjprog  --log -f nRF53 --qspiini con_qspi.ini --qspieraseall
nrfjprog  --log -f nRF53 --qspiini con_qspi.ini --memwr 0x100f0000  --val 0xAAAA
nrfjprog  --log -f nRF53 --qspiini con_qspi.ini --memrd 0x100F0000  --n 100

D:\ZephyrWorkspace\ShockStream\Controller\fs>nrfjprog  --log -f nRF53 --qspiini con_qspi.ini --memwr 0x100f0000  --val 0xAAAA
Parsing parameters.
[ #################### ]   0.000s | Reading external memory, 0x0004 bytes @ 0x000F0000 - Done
Initializing the QSPI peripheral.
Uninitializing the QSPI peripheral.

D:\ZephyrWorkspace\ShockStream\Controller\fs>nrfjprog  --log -f nRF53 --qspiini con_qspi.ini --memrd 0x100F0000  --n 100

[ #################### ]   0.000s | Reading external memory, 0x0064 bytes @ 0x000F0000 - Done
0x100F0000: 0000AAAA FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF   |................|
0x100F0010: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF   |................|
0x100F0020: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF   |................|
0x100F0030: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF   |................|
0x100F0040: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF   |................|
0x100F0050: FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF   |................|
0x100F0060: FFFFFFFF 

Write Hex

D:\Nordic\toolchains\cf2149caf2\opt\zephyr-sdk\arm-zephyr-eabi\bin\arm-zephyr-eabi-objcopy.exe  -v -I binary -O ihex --change-addresses 0x100f0000 nor2.bin nor2.hex

nrfjprog  --log -f nRF53 --qspiini con_qspi.ini --qspieraseall
nrfjprog  -f nRF53 --coprocessor CP_APPLICATION --qspiini con_qspi.ini --program nor2.hex  --verify

D:\ZephyrWorkspace\ShockStream\Controller\fs>nrfjprog  -f nRF53 --coprocessor CP_APPLICATION --qspiini con_qspi.ini --program nor2.hex  --verify
[ #################### ] 177.071s | Program file - Done programming
[error] [ Client] - Encountered error -160: Command verify_file executed for 158239 milliseconds with result -160
[error] [  nRF53] - Failed while performing 'Verify' operation on target address 0x100F0000.
-160: Data does not match in address range [0x100F0000 - 0x108EFFFF] (XIP (QSPI))
Expected byte value 0xEB but read 0x00 at address 0x100F0000.
[error] [  nRF53] - Failed while verifying device. -160: Data does not match in address range [0x100F0000 - 0x108EFFFF] (XIP (QSPI))
Expected byte value 0xEB but read 0x00 at address 0x100F0000.
[error] [ Worker] - Data does not match in address range [0x100F0000 - 0x108EFFFF] (XIP (QSPI))
Expected byte value 0xEB but read 0x00 at address 0x100F0000.
ERROR: Write verify failed.
NOTE: For additional output, try running again with logging enabled (--log).
NOTE: Any generated log error messages will be displayed.
PS D:\ZephyrWorkspace\ShockStream\Controller\fs> .\fs.bat

D:\ZephyrWorkspace\ShockStream\Controller\fs>nrfjprog  --log -f nRF53 --qspiini con_qspi.ini --memrd 0x100F0000  --n 100

[ #################### ]   0.000s | Reading external memory, 0x0064 bytes @ 0x000F0000 - Done
0x100F0000: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   |................|
0x100F0010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   |................|
0x100F0020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   |................|
0x100F0030: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   |................|
0x100F0040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   |................|
0x100F0050: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   |................|
0x100F0060: 00000000                              |....|

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