Reading/logging Wifi MAC address from main app


We are using an nRF5340 + nRF7002 combo. We've been having trouble trying to read Wifi MAC addresses on provisioned devices without accessing OTP directly. From the main app, is there a way to read a Wifi MAC address similar to reading the Ethernet/link MAC address?

For example, reading the Ethernet MAC address is straightforward:

struct net_if *iface;
const struct net_linkaddr *link_addr;
char mac_addr_str[18];

// Iterate over all network interfaces to find the Wi-Fi interface
iface = net_if_get_first_by_type(&NET_L2_GET_NAME(ETHERNET));
if (!iface) {
    shell_print(sh, "No Wi-Fi network interface found!");

link_addr = net_if_get_link_addr(iface);
if (!link_addr) {
    shell_print(sh, "No link address found for the Wi-Fi interface!");

snprintf(mac_addr_str, sizeof(mac_addr_str), "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
         link_addr->addr[0], link_addr->addr[1], link_addr->addr[2],
         link_addr->addr[3], link_addr->addr[4], link_addr->addr[5]);

shell_print(sh, "Device MAC Address: %s", mac_addr_str);
