Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

Frequent disconnects

Hello, I'm getting these series of events often when the client is sending data to client. This is the the nRF SDK 17.

If I add a delay on the client app that is talking to the device, these message seems to go away for example 95% of the time. The was tested with two different apps one with a delay and one without.

The client app is doing, is connecting to the device and sending some data to it, and then it disconnects. I'm thinking if this might be a timing thing, and that the peripheral hasn't fully finished the connection process, by the time the app is sending data.

Any way of knowing, what the cause of this could be? Sniffing the packets is hard to do as the device is mitm protected, with a passkey.
