9160 MFW 1.3.0 Known Issues

I work on a project where we make a device with a 9160, and our application is build using NCS 1.7.0 and is programmed with MFW 1.3.0. The network our devices connect to is Verizon. My team has noticed that our device will occasionally get into reboot loops (reboot about every 5 min) in the field, specifically in areas with poor coverage. My supervisor recently chatted with Verizon, and they've confirmed that there are no issues on their end with some of the some of the specific devices with the problem. The network is not kicking the device off unexpectedly, all network attachment/detachment is initiated by the device. In the past, we've seen the modem freeze and stop responding to our application's requests, so we think it may be related to this. Are there any known issues on MFW 1.3.0 regarding poor cell coverage that could explain the reboot loops we're seeing?

  • Hello, we would need more logs from the device in order to know what issue this could be and what causes these reboot loops. Are you able to collect any logs from devices in field or reproduce the issue in you lab?

    Kind regards,

  • Unfortunately, we can't gather a modem trace with production devices. We could try to reproduce the issue here, may just be a few days. Our customers that experience this are in more remote areas with bad coverage, and we're based in a city. Whenever I test in an area with poor coverage, like a basement, our device works as expected. Mainly just wanted to know if you all had some insight surrounding upgrades since MFW 1.3.0 that could possibly explain our issues. We're not expecting a full-on diagnosis of our problem

  • Unfortunately, we can't gather a modem trace with production devices. We could try to reproduce the issue here, may just be a few days. Our customers that experience this are in more remote areas with bad coverage, and we're based in a city. Whenever I test in an area with poor coverage, like a basement, our device works as expected. Mainly just wanted to know if you all had some insight surrounding upgrades since MFW 1.3.0 that could possibly explain our issues. We're not expecting a full-on diagnosis of our problem

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