we have a solution using UWB from Qorvo using the Nordic 52833.. however

this works well with an Apple 11-13, but on 14+ Apple has removed the second antenna from the phone, so it cannot do ranging natively.

the AR approach does not work for our blind users (camera they cant see and it kills our voice driven UI)

AND Android UWB is different than IOS UWB.. 

anyhow.. we want to explore a user held device also with a qorvo 52833/40  to run FIRA ranging..  this works.. (think phone case)  but

now I need to connect the ranging process and data to our phone app.. 

does the 833/40 have the horsepower while UWB ranging (FIRA) to handle another BT connection to our phone app 

the data is small, and not terribly frequent

I see the ranging sample app.. over an OOB BT connection..  this would be similar output 

so our phone app would connect to the device (bt?)

send commands to the nordoc resident app

the nordic resident app would execute start/stop ranging, FIRA commands lo the FIRA UCI app that Qorvo provides

and send the ranging data to the phone app. 

the device would be battery powered, not wire connected

and if it has an IMU we could use that for user info on orientation. 

  • Thank you for explaining, I think we're on the same page now. You basically just want one more connection from the nRF52 side, right. I'm not familiar with UCI or the UWB solution, but I imagine that managing one more BLE connection should be possible here as long as it's not doing big data transfers as well. 

    I'm not sure what tools and performance measurements you're looking for here, but you can refer to the Zephyr documentation on connection management to see how multiple BLE connections should be handled, and possible the Throughput sample to do some testing on what numbers you can achieve with multiple connections in your use case.

    Best regards,


  • yes.  I have a couple questions related to sdk

    the fira platform qorvo supplies is built on the now legacy  sdk 17.1.0 and the segger build system.

    is there any mechanism to migrate that to the newer visual studio style?

    Secondly  if I have to use the legacy sdk is there any doc on how to configure it? comments say to use the config tool off the context menu. but I don't see that 

    I need to add ble and bluetooth native for selective builds

    the case device would need bt native w pairing to lock to the phone and transfer data in both directions  and ble central to connect (one build)

    to the end device ble peripheral  to sync fira operations. (other build)

    the current build uses  usb serial to take commands from the host and send data back on both devices,   usb only

  • yes.  I have a couple questions related to sdk

    the fira platform qorvo supplies is built on the now legacy  sdk 17.1.0 and the segger build system.

    is there any mechanism to migrate that to the newer visual studio style?

    Secondly  if I have to use the legacy sdk is there any doc on how to configure it? comments say to use the config tool off the context menu. but I don't see that 

    I need to add ble and bluetooth native for selective builds

    the case device would need bt native w pairing to lock to the phone and transfer data in both directions  and ble central to connect (one build)

    to the end device ble peripheral  to sync fira operations. (other build)

    the current build uses  usb serial to take commands from the host and send data back on both devices,   usb only

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