gazell channel table size is 16?

I have verified  The maximum channel table size NRF_GZLL_CONST_MAX_CHANNEL_TABLE_SIZE is 32.

but result_value = nrf_gzll_set_channel_table(my_channel_table, 32)   return false

please,help me thank you!

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  • /**
     * @brief Set the table of Radio Frequency (RF) channels.
     * The valid channels are in the range 0 <= channel <= 125, where the
     * actual centre frequency is (2400 + channel) MHz.
     * The maximum channel table size is defined by
     * @param p_channel_table Pointer to the channel table.
     * @param size            The size of the channel table.
     * @retval true  If the channel table was set.
     * @retval false If Gazell was enabled, or the channel_table pointer was NULL,
     *               or the size was invalid.
    bool nrf_gzll_set_channel_table(uint8_t * p_channel_table, uint32_t size);

    As shown in the code comments,It seems that it can be set  above 16.I want to set the channel table size of 80. Please help me confirm with youre Gazell expert。

    Thanks again!
