nrf5340_audio:How to change the sampling frequency to 44100hz?


I tried to send audio with a sampling frequency of 44100hz, up until this point I had been sending the default sampling frequency of 48000hz. 

For this I change the Sampling Frequency in BASE in AUX_SYNC_IND from 0x08(48000hz) to 0x07(44100hz).But still the error occured.


I have seen this in BAP_V1.0.1.

The default configuration of Nrf5340_audio_application in 48_4. And now I want to change it to 441_1 or 441_2. It seems that it requires me not only to change the sampling frequency, but also to change other values. May I ask if I need to change anything except the sampling frequency? If so, what changes do I need to make? (for example Frame_Duration、Octets per_Codec_Frame and other LC3_encoder's configuration)  All this I do is in the source side, does any changes I need to do in the sink side?

Best wishes.

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