Switching SAADC modes from advanced to simple during runtime

A quick question - is it possible to switch the SAADC between advanced and simple modes during runtime?

I've got an application I need to get running quickly, and part of it is currently using the SAADC in simple non-blocking mode to take samples of a single channel at a set frequency.  That only happens for a small fraction of the operating period of the device, and for the rest of the time I want to run the SAADC in advanced non-blocking, and just detect NRFX_SAADC_EVT_LIMIT events (I don't actually need to know the value of any of the samples, just that they have gone above or below my limits)

Appreciate this is probably not the neatest or most robust approach, but given my timeframes, it will get me something working in the very tight schedule I'm working within

BTW - I'm working with the nRF52832 and NCS V2.6.0


