NRF_Modem lib

Hi I have Question(s)

related to the nrf9161-DK Board.

I am not using the LTE Firmware, I am using the Nordic DECT-NR+ Library on it.

How can I set the time manually for the nrf_modem lib ?
How can I override and pass the date_time_evt_handler to the nrf_modem which is running?

Behind is the story of syncing some devices over the air...
Or is there some hidden layer which provides it on PHY Layer over the air ?

Because there is no LTE / GPS etc. GNSS anymore and the L2 Clock Syncing - IEEE 1588 PTP V2 is cool, but it is not available over the air, or ?

I understand that the LFCLK is the time source for the nrf_modem.
Can I simply sync those sources ? so far I know it is not that easy, maybe a counter or I need from the local board the frequency etc. phase and must pass those information to the other boards.

Can you help here?

I just checking where are touch points to get the time.
Because I on a sort of syncing over the air topic right now.

kind regards
