Isolated Metal Plane nrf7002

Hi there,

I am seeing inconsistencies with the PCB layout specification of the nrf7002.

1) In the v1.1 of nrf7002 datasheet, it is recommended that the following capacitors be connected to ground on an isolated metal plane:

  • capacitor for buckvbat pin
  • capacitor for buckvout pin
  • 0.47uF capacitor for pwrbuckvdd pin
  • capacitor for buckvmid pin

2) In the design files for the nrf7002 DK (hw files 0_7_2), the isolated metal plane is actually connected to:

  • capacitor for buckvbat pin
  • capacitor for buckvout pin
  • 2.2uF capacitor for buckvbats
  • capacitor for buckvmid pin

Which of these configurations is actually recommended? Is this isolated metal plane due to analog ground, and should this also be connected up with analog ground from external voltage regulator?
