Intellisense not workingsz

I am using nRF Connect for VS Code V2024.7.13 and the intellisense does not work. 

Parents Reply Children
  • I found this logging setting and enabled it to be information: 

    Then I got this message

    loggingLevel has changed to: Information
      tag parsing file: D:\Projects\Remington\reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp\handpiece-fw\reach_hp\build\zephyr\include\generated\devicetree_generated.h
        tag parsing error (this can be ignored unless symbols can't be found):
        line 12970 (col. 33): error: incorrectly formed universal character name
    Shutting down IntelliSense server: D:\Projects\Remington\reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp\zephyr\include\zephyr\sys\util_listify.h
    Shutting down IntelliSense server: D:\Projects\Remington\reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp\zephyr\include\zephyr\sys\util_loops.h
    Shutting down IntelliSense server: D:\Projects\Remington\reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp\zephyr\include\zephyr\sys\util_internal_util_inc.h
    Shutting down IntelliSense server: D:\Projects\Remington\reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp\zephyr\include\zephyr\sys\util_internal_is_eq.h
    Error squiggles will be disabled in: file:///d%3A/Projects/Remington/reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp/zephyr/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/dt-util.h
    Error squiggles will be disabled in: file:///d%3A/Projects/Remington/reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp/zephyr/include/zephyr/dt-bindings/adc/nrf-adc.h
    Error squiggles will be disabled in: file:///d%3A/Projects/Remington/reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp/zephyr/include/zephyr/sys/util_macro.h
    Shutting down IntelliSense server: D:\Projects\Remington\reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp\handpiece-fw\reach_hp\src\modules\analog.c
      tag parsing file: D:\Projects\Remington\reach-handpiece-bootloader-wksp\handpiece-fw\reach_hp\build\mcuboot\zephyr\include\generated\devicetree_generated.h
        tag parsing error (this can be ignored unless symbols can't be found):
        line 13327 (col. 33): error: incorrectly formed universal character name

    Both of devicetree parsing errors appear to be in the same comment block. 

  • The parsing error appears to be the '\u' which is being read as a unicode sequence.  I am betting this is not unique to my system and as such is not the root cause of my problems. 

  • My project does of the compile_commands.json as part of the build.  

  • I think I found the issue.  The intellisense was configured wrong in VSCode. 

    Once I selected nRF Connect for VS Code, then closed and open file again it worked. 
