Unable to compile MCUBoot without specifying flash slot0_partition and slot1_partition using sysbuild


I am currently migrating from NCS 2.5.0 to 2.7.0 and running into an issue where the CMakeLists of mcuboot (https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-mcuboot/blob/4c7942e58c5458ce3c4e50d3169e0f865910fe87/boot/zephyr/CMakeLists.txt#L381) complains when it can't find the the slot0_partition and slot1_partition labels in the device tree overlay. However, I am currently using the partition manager to generate the flash layout using pm_static.yml, which previously worked in NCS 2.5.0. Therefore, I am stuck on how to make MCUBoot work with partition manager under sysbuild. Any help or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!
