Bluetooth Mesh gateway implementation


I am working on a Bluetooth Mesh project for lighting control using nRF5340. I am currently stuck on how to implement a Bluetooth Mesh gateway for my mesh network.

Here's what I need the gateway to do:

  • Issue commands to nodes: The gateway needs to be able to send control messages to specific nodes within the mesh network.
  • Receive data from nodes: The gateway should collect data sent by the nodes and forward it to a web server for further processing.

Could you please provide me with some guidance on how to achieve this? Besides, can you suggest Bluetooth mesh gateway models that work with the nRF5340 chip?

  • I got some more details from the developers just now.

    We don't have an official Mesh gateway sample, but an unofficial prototype is available here. I haven't tried it out myself, but it should serve as a starting point to see how such a gateway should be constructed. Note that it is not a sample that is ready for production at all, and should only be used for inspiration.

    Best regards,


  • I got some more details from the developers just now.

    We don't have an official Mesh gateway sample, but an unofficial prototype is available here. I haven't tried it out myself, but it should serve as a starting point to see how such a gateway should be constructed. Note that it is not a sample that is ready for production at all, and should only be used for inspiration.

    Best regards,


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