Merging spi and ble_app_att_mtu_throughput


I'm struggling to use ble_app_att_mtu_throughput and spi. Some help? 

When I merge the two codes the main code (ble_app_att_mtu_throughput) doesn't work.

Thanks for your help

Parents Reply
  • I have so many doubt. 

    I don't know if you run the ble_app_att_mtu_throughput code, but normally you charge the code on the first nRF52832 and on the second nRF52832 and you can choose which one is the tester (the Central) and which one is the responder (the Peripheral). Once you choose it, data is sent from tester to responder. 

    Now, once I choose which one is the tester and which one is the responder, before send data via ble, start the spis code (in meanwhile I start the spi code in the nRF52840 which send data via spi) which is the part that allow to receive data, then send data via BLE.
