Unable to Connect NRF52840 Board to nRF Connect


I am experiencing difficulties connecting my NRF52840 board to the nRF Connect software. Despite multiple attempts, the board does not appear to be recognized by the application. Here are the details of my setup and the steps I've taken so far:

**Hardware Details:**
- Pro Micro NRF52840 Development Board (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYLNZ6V4?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)
- Connection: USB (checked multiple cables and ports)
- LEDs: Power and status LEDs are on and indicating normal operation

**Software Details:**
- nRF Connect SDK version: 2.7.0
- Operating System: Used Windows 10 and Mac OS
- Other relevant software: nRF Command Line Tools installed and updated

**Steps Taken:**
1. Verified USB connection with different cables and ports.
2. Ensured the board is powered on and LEDs are indicating normal status.
3. Installed and updated nRF Connect and nRF Command Line Tools.
4. Attempted to connect using both nRF Connect for Desktop and command-line tools.
5. Restarted the computer and reconnected the board.
6. Verified the port was open and seen on the computer

**Error Messages/Behavior:**
- nRF Connect does not detect the connected board.
- No error messages appear; the board simply isn't listed as a connected device.

**Possible Causes Considered:**
- Hardware issue with the board or USB connection.
- Software issue with nRF Connect or drivers.
- Compatibility issue with the operating system.

I would appreciate any assistance you can provide to help diagnose and resolve this issue. If there are specific logs or additional information needed, please let me know. I have ordered a dev kit to try out and see if that works, but I assumed this would also work with these boards I got from Amazon.


  • Hi

    These Development boards don't have a J-Link device it seems, which is necessary for the nRF Connect SDK VS Code extension, command line tools, or nRF Connect for Desktop SW to communicate with the chip. We don't have experience with these boards particularly so I don't know what they show up as in your computer's device manager, but I would recommend you get one nRF52840 DK or similar that comes with a J-Link debugger so you can program these boards in the first place in order to test them correctly. The development kit should definitely work though.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    These Development boards don't have a J-Link device it seems, which is necessary for the nRF Connect SDK VS Code extension, command line tools, or nRF Connect for Desktop SW to communicate with the chip. We don't have experience with these boards particularly so I don't know what they show up as in your computer's device manager, but I would recommend you get one nRF52840 DK or similar that comes with a J-Link debugger so you can program these boards in the first place in order to test them correctly. The development kit should definitely work though.

    Best regards,


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