Can nrf5340 receive two audio streams simultaneously from different bis-gateway

I have three nrf5340 board. Now i want to use one as bis-headset and two as bis-gateway. I want to get two audio from two bis-gateway at the same time. Can i do it? How ? The sdk version is 2.4.0.Thanks.

  • Hello,

    For starters, please upgrade to NCS v2.7.0 to get the newest features for LE Audio. From NCS v2.6.0, our SoftDeviceController is the default controller for the LE Audio applications which has more features than the LE Audio-specific Controller subsystem.

    Now to your use-case.

    This could be possible, but we need to know more about your requirements.

    What are your requirements for after the audio has been received? Should the headset play one of the BIS at a time or should the audio streams be mixed together?

    Do you need two gateway devices, or could you make use of the BIG by streaming two BIS from the same gateway?

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    For starters, please upgrade to NCS v2.7.0 to get the newest features for LE Audio. From NCS v2.6.0, our SoftDeviceController is the default controller for the LE Audio applications which has more features than the LE Audio-specific Controller subsystem.

    Now to your use-case.

    This could be possible, but we need to know more about your requirements.

    What are your requirements for after the audio has been received? Should the headset play one of the BIS at a time or should the audio streams be mixed together?

    Do you need two gateway devices, or could you make use of the BIG by streaming two BIS from the same gateway?

    Best regards,


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