Programming an external custom board with nrf9161dk

Hi all,

I'm trying to check if I can connect to my custom board with nrf9161dk but I've nothing. First of all I've followed this link to wire my custom board.

First question in the doc we can read 

The voltage on the external board must match that of the DK, which is 1.8 V or 3.0 V depending on the position of SW9 when the DK is powered through the USB connector.

but on my dk board I can' see this switch.

Should I create a custom board before trying to connect on it ? I just want to validate my design is good before flashing. For the moment I got these errors :

11:58:38.002	Error: Failed with exit code 1. Failed to device info one or more devices: * 960082325: [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Operation device-info failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
11:58:38.003	Using nrfutil device to communicate with target via JLink
11:58:39.796	Reading readback protection status for Application core
11:58:39.796	Failed to reading readback protection status for application core core. Error: [object Object], message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR
11:58:39.888	Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
11:58:39.889	Error: Failed with exit code 1. One or more batch tasks failed: - [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink. Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.

  • Hi Simon,

    1) In the Figure 1 of your linked page, SW9 is the switch.

    2) You should generate a customer board for your board if you want to functional test, but you can program any nrf9160 firmware with J-Link. The logs show you have problem with programming, this is properly due to IO voltage level mismatch.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simon,

    1) In the Figure 1 of your linked page, SW9 is the switch.

    2) You should generate a customer board for your board if you want to functional test, but you can program any nrf9160 firmware with J-Link. The logs show you have problem with programming, this is properly due to IO voltage level mismatch.

    Best regards,

