Typical or maximum flash write erase cycles

I am using nrf52840 and have two questions regarding flash memory.

1. If the write erase cycles limit is reached for certain page of the flash, only that page is going to be affected or the full memory? I think it will the page only, but need to clarify.

2. In the nrf52840. flash write erase cycles are min. 10000, what is the typical or maximum count?

Thank you.

  • Hi,

    2. In the nrf52840. flash write erase cycles are min. 10000, what is the typical or maximum count?

    The Min value provided  means that we guarantee that it will work for sure for the first 10000 write cycles at the same address. We don't list the max of average number as this can vary from device to device. 

    1. If the write erase cycles limit is reached for certain page of the flash, only that page is going to be affected or the full memory? I think it will the page only, but need to clarify

    So full memory will not effected, only area/page written to. 


  • Hi,

    2. In the nrf52840. flash write erase cycles are min. 10000, what is the typical or maximum count?

    The Min value provided  means that we guarantee that it will work for sure for the first 10000 write cycles at the same address. We don't list the max of average number as this can vary from device to device. 

    1. If the write erase cycles limit is reached for certain page of the flash, only that page is going to be affected or the full memory? I think it will the page only, but need to clarify

    So full memory will not effected, only area/page written to. 


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