Custom board programming using j-link


We are using nrf5340 in the new project. PCB design was made. We are currently waiting for the typesetting process to be completed. There is no Jlink on the designed hardware. We are considering using segger j-link, which we are currently using, in order to throw code during production. We used nrf5340dk in the development process.

My main question is, how can I send code to (nrf5340dk) and (Custom Board our design) using Jlink in the image?
Which files should I use to code via nrf Connect-Programmer?

In my research, there is custom board programming via nrf5340dk, but this is not what I am looking for.   

  • Hi

    Sorry about the late reply. To program a DK or custom board with a J-Link device you need a converter from the 20 pin output from the J-Link device to a 10 pin header where you get the SWDIO and SWDCLK pins available as well as VDD + GND which are the only pins you really need to program an nRF53 device. You also need the SWDIO and SWDCLK pins to connect to on the nRF53 side.

    On an nRF5340 DK, you can use P18to program the onboard nRF5340. This is described in detail in section 4.9 of the DK user guide.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    Sorry about the late reply. To program a DK or custom board with a J-Link device you need a converter from the 20 pin output from the J-Link device to a 10 pin header where you get the SWDIO and SWDCLK pins available as well as VDD + GND which are the only pins you really need to program an nRF53 device. You also need the SWDIO and SWDCLK pins to connect to on the nRF53 side.

    On an nRF5340 DK, you can use P18to program the onboard nRF5340. This is described in detail in section 4.9 of the DK user guide.

    Best regards,


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