External programming using NRF52-DK

Hello ,

I am trying to program external custom board through another nrf52dk via SWD interface to check if external programming method works. The connections between two devices are below. 
when using nrf connect SDK for VS code(Zephyr) the error screenshot is below. I checked the custom board is powered on at 5v operating voltage but failed to detect through main nrf52dk. I checked the voltages on SWDIO is around 3v and SWDCLK is at 0v pulled down internally based on the data sheet. 

I get this error when recovering the device using nrfjprog --recover --log. Aditionally, please guide where to find the .log file in nrf connect for vs code IDE.


Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    Yes, power to the external board is separate and works at 5V,  my custom board has power management IC which supplies 3v to the nrf52832 SOC, the VTG pin connected to the 5v of external board, and SWD interfaces as followed in above connections. The SWDIO and SWDCLK pin on external board SOC is pulled high to 3v with 10K resistor.

    P19 is not connected to anything, all the SWD conenction are made from P20.

    when I use nrfjprog --recover --log,  I get the below error on console. I'm using nrf connet SDK for VScode, not Segger Embedded IDE. Could you tell where do I find the .log files in the system?

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