DFU Error(0x01)


MCU: nrf52840

SDK: nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560

I am facing such an issue, sometimes after the device's OTA success, and then I would like to upgrade to another version,  the nRF connect app always returns a DFU Error(0x01),  which is shown in the below image. if I delete the bonding on both the device side and the Smartphone side and re-bond again, it can be fixed.

What is the root cause?

  • Hi

    I got a reply from the devs today. Sorry that it took so long, but we've had some people out of office the last few weeks.

    The update changes seems to handle the numbers, and Android will cache these. The bonded device should then indicate using the Service changed characteristic. First thing after resuming encryption after DFU, when they connect to the app, the app should send an indication so the Android device will invalidate the cache end get a new set from the next discoverServices() call. Refreshing the cache can also be forced on Android like we do in nRF Connect.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    I got a reply from the devs today. Sorry that it took so long, but we've had some people out of office the last few weeks.

    The update changes seems to handle the numbers, and Android will cache these. The bonded device should then indicate using the Service changed characteristic. First thing after resuming encryption after DFU, when they connect to the app, the app should send an indication so the Android device will invalidate the cache end get a new set from the next discoverServices() call. Refreshing the cache can also be forced on Android like we do in nRF Connect.

    Best regards,


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