Build Configurations Disappear

I have a project that was building, but now on restarting VS Code, I cannot access the build configurations.

The list shows a configuration as present, but when I expand, nothing shows up:

The following pop-up then appears:

I then get an error indication on the project with a message that the SDK is out of sync.

But when I click that, it gets stuck in a loop saying:

With the console repeatedly showing:

[west]: Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performance.
[west]: See "git help gc" for manual housekeeping.
[west]: warning: unable to unlink '.git/objects/pack/pack-783fcad8fe4eada7ed7ac76b215a2b6ccc926ab1.idx': Invalid argument
[west]: warning: unable to unlink '.git/objects/pack/pack-d7fa054d9fc4090db58b39ef372a971e104d7e6f.idx': Invalid argument
[west]: warning: unable to unlink '.git/objects/pack/pack-f56101984aa2bc0cfb3c978d5412abaa5b6cfb0e.idx': Invalid argument
I guess I shall reset my VM for the fifth time this morning...