section placement macros correction in nrf52810


I am creating a new project that uses the nRF52810 as my controller, and during the development stage, I am using the PCA10040 nRF52832 development board. (I read somewhere that we can flash the nRF52810 code into the nRF52832 PCA10040 development board). My requirement is a simple LED indicator based on delay commands from an APK that uses the Nordic UART service to send and receive data. I added the timer peripheral to the ble_app_uart example project from the directory nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\pca10040e\s112\ses and flashed the code onto the PCA10040 nRF52832 development board to test it. The code works perfectly.

Then I took an nRF52810 custom PCB and connected the JTAG. The board is able to detect and erase the chip. When I flash the code onto the board, the IDE shows "flash successful," but the board is not working. 

i think the issue is with the  flash and RAM memory configuration of the section placement macros?

 ‘s112_nrf52_7.2.0_softdevice.hex’    - size 98.7kb.

  ‘ble_app_uart_pca10040e_s112.elf’     - size 31.7kb

section placement macros in linker . 









is this configuration is correct ?

each response is valuble . 

SDK version: 17.0.2
SEGGER Embedded Studio version: 5.42a

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