I am using nRF5340 Audio to make a CIS connection on a homemade board.

I am aiming to connect the Gateway and Headset 1:1 and output stereo from the Headset.

The Gateway side is 16-bit I2S and the Headset side is 32-bit I2S, and I am able to output sound from the Headset in mono.

The I2C compatible ICs for both the Headset and Gateway are stereo compatible.

After referring to various answers on Devzone, I have reached a point where I can connect BLE but cannot achieve synchronization.

I have confirmed that the I2S waveforms of the three types of clocks are available on both the Gateway and Headset.

If the values ​​of CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_BITRATE_UNICAST_SINK and CONFIG_BT_AUDIO_BITRATE_UNICAST_SRC are between 72000 and 80000, BLE can be connected, but if they are 96000, BLE cannot be connected.

What could be the reason for the lack of sync?
