I am trying to sniff between my phone and a BLE device.
When I put the device in pairing mode, I can see it in the "advertising" list. Then I select it (but I don't know if I should select anything from the "legacy passkey", "legacy ltk", "follow le address")
I can see packets from/to that device.
Then I make the pairing on my phone (no PIN is required)
But then I can't get any data , all is encrypted and all I see is "empty PDU" or "Encrypted packet decrypted incorrectly (bad MIC)"
What is the correct method ?
As far as aI remember from my past experiences, if I sniff within the pairing session , I should not need a LTK.
But if LTK will help, can you guide me how to get the LTK ?
Btw, if I do the pairing, I no longer see the device in "advertising" list. If I get the LTK and try to sniff after pairing, how do I filter that device ?