ICMPv6 handling failure error

In any Wi-Fi firmware that I write with nRF Connect SDK I get this error message in my console logs:

<err> net_icmpv6: ICMPv6 handling failure (-2)

This happens in every app I've run, including all the code in your Wi-Fi Fundamentals course, samples and my own firmware.  It happens due to incoming messages from my network, even when my app is sitting idle (not sending anything).  I sometimes get 1 or 2 per second, and other times it is many seconds between these errors.

I traced it down a little and it appears to be from incoming ICMP messages that the Zephyr or Nordic firmware doesn't know how to deal with.

I am using v2.6.1 of the SDK.

Do you know what this error message means, and how to get rid of it?
