Bluetooth SIG QDID for Zephyr HCI samples

I have a customer who developed against the Zephyr HCI example (

I assume they're using bluez for their host.

What's the best path for Bluetooth SIG qualification? 

I see this ticket: QDID for Bluetooth stack when using Zephyr vanilla - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone (

But the link for the Zephyr QDID goes to a page that only talks about testing, and doesn't list a QDID: Qualification — Zephyr Project Documentation

Alternatively, is there a Nordic-based HCI example? The one listed in the Nordic samples refers back to the generic Zephyr one.



  • Bob,

    brec said:
    Where the HCI UART points to the vanilla Zephyr example. Is it also possible to build this Zephyr example with the SoftDevice controller?

    Yes, some of the Zephyr samples can be run with the SDC (Softdevice Controller). 

    With this HCI UART sample, the softdevice controller also support communication over UART to another CPU using HCI transport layer through UART. So you should be able to build LPUART with softdevice controller instead of zephyr controller. I have not tried it myself though, so please give it a try and let me know if you see any issues.

  • Bob,

    brec said:
    Where the HCI UART points to the vanilla Zephyr example. Is it also possible to build this Zephyr example with the SoftDevice controller?

    Yes, some of the Zephyr samples can be run with the SDC (Softdevice Controller). 

    With this HCI UART sample, the softdevice controller also support communication over UART to another CPU using HCI transport layer through UART. So you should be able to build LPUART with softdevice controller instead of zephyr controller. I have not tried it myself though, so please give it a try and let me know if you see any issues.

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