nrf_dm sampling rate

I would like to experiment with changing the frequency of the rangings, but I cannot find where the values are located in the nrf_dm sample.

What is the best way to change the sampling rate? I am aware that changing the rate will affect the power consumption, but I would like it to try sampling about 2x as fast. 

It looks like I need to change the CONFIG_DM_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_TIMESLOTS_US value? But, I can't find it.


After the first measurement, the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DM_MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_TIMESLOTS_US` and the
 :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DM_TIMESLOT_QUEUE_COUNT_SAME_PEER` Kconfig options define how often the same device is measured again.
The Kconfig options :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DM_TIMESLOT_QUEUE_COUNT_SAME_PEER` and :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DM_TIMESLOT_QUEUE_LENGTH`
define how many measurements are scheduled.
The more measurements are scheduled, the more of them take place, which increases power consumption but gives more frequent rangings.
If the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_DM_TIMESLOT_RESCHEDULE` Kconfig option is disabled, the next timeslot for measurement execution will
be allocated after the measurement request is added using the :c:func:`dm_request_add` function.