MQTT connection error

Hi, as I am beginner, will be please anybody kindly help me with my first project?

I'd like to connect to an MQTT broker available at (mosquitto 2.0.18) and send tome topics to it. Initially, without TLS. I am able to connect to the mqtt broker with another client (Android app MyMQTT) successfully and subscribe/publish messages.

I have combined some code samples (below), I am successfull in connecting to LTE-M, getting IP address and getting http get response, but MQTT connect ends in -106 error.

Thank you very much in advance!


Here is what I get:

My code:

#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <modem/lte_lc.h>
#include <modem/modem_info.h>
#include <modem/nrf_modem_lib.h>
#include <date_time.h>
Based on the answer below, the code was removed from the ticket as not relevant.