Compilation Error: nrf_svc.h Missing in nrf_crypto_aes_ctr_pca10040 Example from nRF5 SDK


I am working on the nrf_crypto_aes_ctr_pca10040 example provided in the nRF5 SDK. I have not modified the example; I am using it as it is from the SDK. However, when I try to build the project in SEGGER Embedded Studio, I encounter the following errors:

Compiling 'app_scheduler.c'
nrf_svc.h: No such file or directory
Build failed, exit status 0x1

The issue is that nrf_svc.h is included in nrf_soc.h, but the build process cannot find the nrf_svc.h file.

Steps Taken:

  1. Verified that the nrf_svc.h file exists in the SDK directory.
  2. Attempted to add the path to the nrf_svc.h file manually to the project include directories. This resolved the initial error but led to additional compilation errors.


  • SDK Version: nRF5 SDK
  • IDE: SEGGER Embedded Studio V8.12a (64-bit)
  • Board: PCA10040 


Could you provide guidance on resolving this issue without triggering additional errors? Has anyone else encountered a similar problem with this example, and if so, how did you resolve it?

Thank you for your assistance.


  • Hi,

    That is odd. nrf_svc.h is indirectly included in virtually any project.

    1. Are you able to build any other example applications?
    2. Which nRF5 SDK version are you using? (The latest is 17.1.0)
    3. Can you test with Segger Embedded Studio 5.42a? This is what was used for releae testing the nRF5 SDK 17.1.0, and there are several issues that needs to be resolved when using recent Segger Embedded Studio versions.
  • Hi,

    That is odd. nrf_svc.h is indirectly included in virtually any project.

    1. Are you able to build any other example applications?
    2. Which nRF5 SDK version are you using? (The latest is 17.1.0)
    3. Can you test with Segger Embedded Studio 5.42a? This is what was used for releae testing the nRF5 SDK 17.1.0, and there are several issues that needs to be resolved when using recent Segger Embedded Studio versions.
  • Hi,

    Thank you for your response.

    1. I am able to build other example applications successfully, such as "ble_app_template", "PWM peripheral", and "I2C Scanner", among others.
    2. I am currently using nRF5 SDK version 17.0.2.
    3. I have not tested with Segger Embedded Studio 5.42a yet.

    I will try using Segger Embedded Studio 5.42a and report back with my findings.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Rutvik Vasani said:
    I am able to build other example applications successfully, such as "ble_app_template", "PWM peripheral", and "I2C Scanner", among others.

    I see. That project build out of the box on my end (using the suggested Segger Embedded Studio version). If the version it not a problem, then I suspect that the project may have been corrupted somehow (perhaps you accidentally edited the inlcude path)?

    Rutvik Vasani said:
    I am currently using nRF5 SDK version 17.0.2.

    Note that in order to support the latest revision of the nRF52 devices you should use SDK 17.1.0 (or nRF Connect SDK, which is the SDK that we are supporting going forward - see nRF Connect SDK and nRF5 SDK statement).
