Multiple Account Devices - to avoid interruption of other connections

Hi there,

I've noticed that when developing locally using the same account device details as our production environment each is causing the other to disconnect. That means local development is interrupting our production environment, which isn't something we can live with.

Is it possible to generate more account devices? This seems like an arbitrary limit and ideally i'd like different setups for production, testing and local environments.

Many thanks,


  • Hi Will.

    What is your Team ID? It's available on when you select the 3-bar icon in the upper right and then "Team".

    For cases where a user needs more than one account device for a team, we can create them manually. Currently only one is allowed, for simplicity. We are looking to expand that to allow users to create multiple.

    As you probably know, a device can be a member of only one team, but you can create multiple teams of devices, with an account device per team. Would it make sense to separate your devices by team as Tuomas suggested? If not, I can create the extra account devices for one team.


  • Hi Will.

    What is your Team ID? It's available on when you select the 3-bar icon in the upper right and then "Team".

    For cases where a user needs more than one account device for a team, we can create them manually. Currently only one is allowed, for simplicity. We are looking to expand that to allow users to create multiple.

    As you probably know, a device can be a member of only one team, but you can create multiple teams of devices, with an account device per team. Would it make sense to separate your devices by team as Tuomas suggested? If not, I can create the extra account devices for one team.

